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Purpose & History of the BHW

Statement of Purpose

The “Bible History Wheel” (BHW) purpose is: to provide an educational tool for the brotherhood and one that is aimed at the average reader. It provides a summary of the period of Bible history in each box, and also includes more in-depth articles on each period. It is intended that writers will integrate Bible History along with world history, so that the reader will be able to relate the place in world history that Bible events do take place.

The BHW outlines Bible History into 13 segments. These 13 segments simplify the enormity of Bible History to a picture that is easily grasped by the average reader. This tool could be used to teach Bible knowledge to 4 and 5 year old children and allow them to have a framework on which to add additional information.

The mission given by God’s word for the individual and the Church is to carry out the “Great Commission” noted in Mathew chapter 28:19-20. It will be the goal of writers for this Bible tool to keep this perspective before the reader.

Our History

In 2006 Les Maddox was involved in a Bible study with Kevin Williams, preacher for the Redmond Oregon Church of Christ. In the course of the study Kevin noted that the phrase, “The Tree of Life,” was located in both Genesis and Revelation. Les began to think of Bible history as being graphically displayed in a circular Bible timeline but nothing really clicked, but he did keep the idea in his computer for later thought.

Over the next several years progress was slow. In 2012 Les felt the need to register this concept in an official capacity. Les filed a copyright for the BHW idea. This copyright remains in effect. Over the years in the 1990’s Les received technical support from several individuals. One was Steve Wood of the Redmond congregation. From 2010 on Les needed the BHW to be on a website platform to support internet consultation. Gary Marsh of Orange Coast California was able to assist with the need for technical help and patiently led Les step by step through the process for a web-site development.

About 2015 Les began to work on projects with a young man named Isaac Humphrey. Les introduced Isaac to the Bible History Wheel (BHW) concept and Isaac gradually became involved.

From 2017 on Isaac began to serve as the web-master for the BHW, As the BHW becomes fully functional as a Bible study tool our hope is that a Church of Christ entity will become interested and want to take sponsorship of this project.